Offers & Discounts

We’ve compiled a list of active Offers & Discounts below.

Offer 1:
“Buy 2 Get 1 Free”
“Buy 4 Get 2 Free”
“Buy 6 Get 3 Free”
“Buy 8 Get 4 Free”
“Buy 10 Get 5 Free”

To redeem this offer, look for the banner at the top of the website, click “Get my Coupon Code” and follow the instructions on screen. This offer is available on all collars on across the website (excluding clearance items).

Offer 2:
Buy 50 Collars and save £5.00

Offer 3:



All orders are shipped from the United Kingdom (unless otherwise specified). We process and ship all orders within 24 hours of completed payment.

(United Kingdom, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man)

Standard Delivery (3-5 Working Days) – £1.00
Express Delivery (1-3 Working Days) – £2.00
Standard Delivery, Signed For
 (3-5 Working Days) – £2.99
Express Delivery, Signed For
(1-3 Working Days) – £3.99

FREE Standard Delivery on all UK orders over £10.00

(Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland)

European Delivery (5-7 Working Days) – £3.99

(USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

International Delivery
 (7-10 Working Days) – £4.99

Although we try our best for our customers to receive their orders on time, the above shipping times are estimates only.
On rare occasions there may be a delay with the postal or courier company which is out of our control. We kindly ask if you can allow an extra 3-5 working dayss after your expected delivery date to receive your order.

Thank You for your patience.