Wholesale / Trade Orders

Due to popular demand, we have now added a trade section on the website where we offer our products at Wholesale prices. (This section is only accessible via Application & Approval only)

We offer competitive wholesale prices for Retailers, Vetinary Practice’s, Market Traders, Stall Holders, Animal Rescue’s, Charities and many more. So if you would like to stock our products, you need to do the following;

1. Sign up for a customer account HERE
2. Fill out the form below – make sure to fill out each field to avoid delays:




    We’ll review your application within 24hrs and let your know if your account has been approved or declined.

    All our stockists will have exclusive use of our images and online content.

    Terms & Conditions:
    —   Minimum Order Value is £100.00 (Excl. VAT).
    —   All orders must be paid in full prior to dispatch.
    —   All Wholesale Orders will be dispatched within 5 working days of payment being received.
    —   To maintain our Brand Value Reputation. Products must not be sold for less than the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) as displayed on the Website.
    — We do not allow the reselling on 3rd Party websites such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy etc.